Wrote Another Song for You….

So sometimes I come up with words of my own to someone else’s song. I’d like to put all the blame on Weird Al Yankovic and Doctor Demento (Google them, kids, if you’re younguns), but I’ve done it since I was two. Anyway, this foolishness is usually just for my own amusement and I don’t inflict these things on others very often. But now I have a blog! (And a weekly post to fill…)

I put up a song a while ago, I’m Not on Facebook. That was based on 10cc’s classic number one hit from 1975 I’m Not in Love. The following is based on a different tune, but from roughly the same era. If you know it, the title probably will give it away. I stay as close to the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the original as I can.

The first person who guesses the song that inspired this nonsense wins ten T of V points! (Which doesn’t mean anything yet, but someday—who knows?)

Continue reading

Song for a Tuesday

I wrote a song! It  looks sort of like poetry, but it’s lyrics. Actually, I wrote these lyrics to the tune of a famous song. If anyone can guess what the original song was, I’ll award you ten T of V points! (points redeemable only in your imagination)

Hint: It’s an old song. It was a number one hit. Continue reading