Why Man of Steel is a Classic, part two

Last Friday, I posted the opening salvo of my war on Man of Steel haters.

{READER: Last Friday, he says? Hasn’t it actually been more than a month?

T OF V: Allow me to explain: Shut the fuck up.}

Again, SPOILERS LIE AHEAD. Continue reading

Why Man of Steel is a Classic

This is a spoiler-heavy breakdown of last year’s Man of Steel movie. So if you haven’t watched it, but have an interest in seeing it—

The fuck is wrong with you? Why haven’t you seen it already? Damn!

I have no sympathy. None. Continue reading

Randomly Factual

richard attenborough welcome

Welcome….to EveryDamnDayDecember!

So to fulfill one of the terms of the Liebster Award thingy, and to kick off Every Damn Day December, I thought I would put up some semi-biographical facts about myself. Here we go:

  1. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to manage to post every damn day.
  2. My favorite fictional superhero is Spider-Man.(And like Stan Lee, I hate when people spell it “Spiderman” without the hyphen.) It’s Spider-Man! The amalgam of spider and man! Thhhwippp!
  3. Only had one surgery in my life: on a torn ligament in my left knee.This injury didn’t happen in a usual way, and I just thought of a post I could do, so I won’t tell the rest of the story now.
  4. I’m mildly allergic to almost every airborn element: smoke, pollen, pet hair, etc. It’s really annoying without being too detrimental.
  5. My absolute favorite type of music is jazz fusion/progressive rock which are kind of the same thing in my mind.
  6. I think Herbie Hancock, the jazz master of keys, is probably the coolest being in the universe.

    herbie at the keys

    see what I mean?

  7. I like the Beatles better than Elvis. That’s supposed to be a great indicator of what and who a person is, so take it for what you will.
  8. My favorite band ever varies a little, but it’s usually Pink Floyd.
  9. Currently I live in Vancouver, Washington. I’m not sure why. Couldn’t find work here, so I went back to college to take web development classes. Thanks to our wonderful government (ha!), I get paid to go to school. That’s now my job!
  10. I’m a Marvel Comics guy all the way. Still, The Dark Knight is my favorite comic-book film.
  11. I’m 43, but I think I’m aging backwards. Like Benjamin Button, but mentally rather than physically.
  12. Politically, I’m to the left of left. I think Pres. Obama is too conservative!
  13. I’m a straight male, but secure enough to admit there are a few guys I might go gay for. Bowie comes to mind. Henry Cavill, the new Man of Steel. Hugh Jackman. Oh, and one other…………………………..
  14. Religious I am not. Pretty much an atheist, though I do feel that something is out there. Maybe just more evolved species that kind of oversee us. But that’s a whole different can of crazy to open up. Let me just say, I get why people believe the stuff they believe and I respect that. Religion is just not for me.
  15. I prefer Star Wars to Star Trek, but my mind’s been in heavy fluctuation these last few years. In the 80s it was no contest in my opinion. But lately… absolutely liked the J.J. Abrams Trek films better than the prequels Lucas shat out. But now, Abrams is going to the far, far away galaxy and that might make that particular pendulum swing back.
  16. I’ve loved Lord of the Rings since I read the trilogy as a kid. But Peter Jackson’s movies improve on the books. Yeah, I goddamn said it! And the places where the films differ from the books make the story better. That’s right, I goddamn reiterated it!
  17. The first movie I ever loved was Logan’s Run. More on that tomorrow!
  18. The first girl I ever loved was named Lark something. We were six.
  19. I think I’m cheating by listing mostly preferences rather than personal facts.
  20. Speaking of Peter Jackson, I wouldn’t mind if he made ten Hobbit movies. I’d watch that world even if the characters did nothing but smoke and eat. (Which they kind of do for the first hour of An Unexpected Journey, huh?)
  21. If I wasn’t a writer, I’d be a writer. Literally, I have no other skills.
  22. Well, reading. Is reading a skill? For that matter, is writing a skill? (I’m kidding, writers!) Of course it isn’t a skill. It’s an………..

    writing is art

    yeah it is

  23. I thought I’d finished this post two days ago, but I’m here tweaking it up to the last minute. This is the first post of EvDaDaDec,  after all!
  24. Dogs over cats. That’s just the way it is. I don’t mind cats, but I’ll take a dog anytime.

That’s enough for now. Don’t want to overwhelm you. Every Damn Day December day one complete! See you tomorrow.